The National Indigenous Knowledge Management System

The National IK Registration System formerly known as the National Recordal System and the National IK Management System (NIKMAS), represents an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) platform for the management of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) as governed by the Protection, Promotion, Development and Management of Indigenous Knowledge Act No 6 of 2019. The IK Registration System is the technology platform that is connected to IKS Documentation Centres that support communities to record their indigenous knowledge. The IK information accessed and published through the national IK Registration System has ownership vested in communities. Accessing these through the IK Registration System requires permission and authorisation. Click here for more information

Future systems that will be available via the NIKSO Portal include the IK Register of Designations.



*IKSDC - Indigenous Knowledge Systems Documentation Centre

Full Details

NIKMAS Fast Facts

Operations provided by NIKMAS are as follows:

Explore indigenous knowledge (IK)
  • African Traditional Medicine
  • Food Security


The Pharmacopoeia is a prior art database which holds information on the use, quality, efficacy and safety of traditional African medicines in South Africa. The database draws on published resources on plants, its botanical distribution and its uses for medicinal purposes, which are digitised to provide information, cross-referencing and research outputs for use by researchers, community members, traditional healers and a wide range of global users. This database is not intended for medical or health advice and may not be used as a substitute for professional consultation from experts. Click here for more information

Featured Plant

Salvia chameleagnea Berg.

Salvia chamelaeagnea forms a dense shrub, growing almost 2 metres high, with many strong, upright stems. The stems are square- shaped,. Leaves are formed opposite each other along the stems or on short side branches, and often grow in tufts. The bright green leaves are slightly hairy and sometimes the edges are toothed. The leaves are dotted with glands which emit a very strong scent when touched and leave a sticky, bitter-tasting residue on fingers. The flowers are formed in whorls along the top third of the stems, any time between November and May. The flowers are on small side branches; opening from the bottom upwards towards the tips of the stems.  
1 South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI): Salvia chamelaeagnea

Operations provided by Pharmacopoeia are as follows: