The National Indigenous Knowledge Management System
Future systems that will be available via the NIKSO Portal include the IK Register of Designations.
*IKSDC - Indigenous Knowledge Systems Documentation Centre
Full Details
Operations provided by NIKMAS are as follows:
- African Traditional Medicine
- Food Security
Featured Plant
Salvia chamelaeagnea forms a dense shrub, growing almost 2 metres high, with many strong, upright stems. The stems are square- shaped,. Leaves are formed opposite each other along the stems or on short side branches, and often grow in tufts. The bright green leaves are slightly hairy and sometimes the edges are toothed. The leaves are dotted with glands which emit a very strong scent when touched and leave a sticky, bitter-tasting residue on fingers. The flowers are formed in whorls along the top third of the stems, any time between November and May. The flowers are on small side branches; opening from the bottom upwards towards the tips of the stems. References:
1 South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI): Salvia chamelaeagnea